Category Archives: eresources


I have recently swapped some of my responsibilities with a colleague at my library. I am no longer e-resources librarian, rather, I am now head of circulation. I am excited about this. At our library, many librarians wear multiple hats, so despite these changes, I nonetheless remain the web librarian. There are things about circulation […]

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Return to python

After a lengthy absence, I am returning to Python. This is thanks to my new involvement with CUNY’s Alma Extensibility Task Force, which I mentioned in an earlier post. I am excited. My recent work in JavaScript has been fun and instructive, but I feel more of an affinity for the Python community, and I’m […]

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Fall is here

The fall semester is starting this week, so it’s a natural inflection point in the academic year. Our departmental website committee wrapped up our summer weekly meetings last week, committed all the code we’d written over the past few months, and made it live. Things are going to shift dramatically in September. I’ll be spending […]

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E-resources (part 2)

It’s now been several months that I’ve been handling our library’s eresources, and I have a few thoughts. It has been mostly positive, with a few frustrations. My predecessor in this role prepared me well. Her system for handling the function is sensible (spreadsheets!) and effective. I’m grateful for her guidance. Administering eresources makes me […]

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Recently, my colleague, who is retiring soon, has been mentoring me on how to manage our library’s electronic resources. I’ll be taking over the function full time starting in September. There has been a lot to learn. The learning curve has been steepened by the simultaneous roll-out of Alma in our library, which has added […]

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