Category Archives: alma

My apologies, alma

I think I started on Alma from the wrong end. My initial foray into the software was attempting to keep track of the e-resources budget through funds, ledgers, etc. I hated it. It seemed needlessly complicated and very unintuitive. I got very discouraged and doubted my own abilities as a librarian. I sulked about it […]

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Sushi in alma

A couple of years back, I posted about how I had been working on my own SUSHI client. It seemed like a sensible project at the time, but even back then I knew that getting SUSHI functionality set up in Alma would obviate the need for my own client. Now, a couple of years later, […]

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Task force

It is probably very nerdy that I am as excited as I am to join something called the Alma Extensibility Task Force. It’s basically a committee to work with the Alma APIs, and I am totally here for it. There are a bunch of reasons for this: It’s a chance to work with some stellar […]

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Recently, my colleague, who is retiring soon, has been mentoring me on how to manage our library’s electronic resources. I’ll be taking over the function full time starting in September. There has been a lot to learn. The learning curve has been steepened by the simultaneous roll-out of Alma in our library, which has added […]

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Further into Alma

This week I dug into Alma a bit further, and learned how to do things like make sets and run jobs. I know I’m a bit behind the curve on this – other CUNY librarians have been doing these things for months – but it felt good to level up and figure this stuff out. […]

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Recently, CUNY libraries migrated to Alma, our new library services platform. Alma is a pretty mighty piece of software. It can manage many, many library functions. Given how much it does, it amazes me that it works. I would love to look at the codebase for a bit, just to get a sense as to […]

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