Category Archives: git

Further into GitHub Actions

Since my last post, I’ve been moving more things over to GitHub Actions. It has been an interesting journey. Some things are pretty straightforward to port from PythonAnywhere Tasks. Others have puzzled me a bit more. As an example of the latter, I wanted to set up my rss-to-mastodon bot as a GitHub Action. It’s […]

Also posted in github, shell, yaml | Leave a comment

GitHub Actions

Today I moved some bots from PythonAnywhere over to GitHub Actions. This is a follow-up to my previous post about migrating the front-end of the bots over to Now I’m modernizing the back-end with GitHub Actions. There were a few reasons for this switch: I get GitHub Pro services for free via the GitHub […]

Also posted in github, pythonanywhere | Leave a comment


I’ve set up an account on tildegit to mirror some of our library’s most important GitHub repos. On the one hand, this is simply a backup: another way to get at our code should something go particularly awry. On the other hand, this may point to a new direction for our library. I have been […]

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Why we need version control in LibGuides

LibGuides doesn’t have version control. In my opinion, it really should. I’m not the first to suggest this. I am told that others have also requested this feature. Hopefully Springshare is working on this. One of the hurdles in implementing version control is that it can sometimes be confusing. Git is certainly daunting to newcomers. […]

Also posted in libguides, version control | Comments closed


Git is useful, but troublesome at times. You can pull to the wrong branch and all of a sudden your nicely organized project is a mess. Of course the prickliness of git is not new news. But people don’t use it for the friendly UI; they use it because most of the time – when […]

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I made my own altmetric

I’m waiting for one of my colleagues to lend me some books on bibliometrics. However, in the meantime, in my naïveté, I have created a metric[1]. My metric is not a terribly good one, though perhaps it is no worse than some other well-established ones. While it somewhat defensibly measures reach and productivity, my metric […]

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The many uses of Git

Git is version control and collaboration software. It’s initially unintuitive and takes some time to learn (command line!), but it’s also powerful, broadly useful and generally awesome. I wish more librarians used Git because of the benefits it could bring to our collaborations. Git is closely related to Github, which makes it possible to share […]

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