Category Archives: shell

Further into GitHub Actions

Since my last post, I’ve been moving more things over to GitHub Actions. It has been an interesting journey. Some things are pretty straightforward to port from PythonAnywhere Tasks. Others have puzzled me a bit more. As an example of the latter, I wanted to set up my rss-to-mastodon bot as a GitHub Action. It’s […]

Also posted in git, github, yaml | Leave a comment

On trying (and failing) to learn shell scripting

I tried to lean shell scripting in the summer of 2000. It seemed doable: isn’t it basically executing a bunch of shell commands in a row? I got some books, which I read half-heartedly, tried a few things, and then gave up. Shell scripting, which I had hoped would be the easiest entrée into programming, […]

Also posted in ksh | Comments closed
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