For me, holidays are a time to do a bilan, to take stock and to think about what’s next. In that spirit, here are some augmented reality things I’d like to pursue in our library in the new year:
- Use AR.js to render text in the virtual space, not just shapes.
- Explore more of the possibilities offered by the A-Frame framework.
- Build out our AR game’s UI to allow for dialog boxes, quiz questions, etc.
- Look at alternatives to AR.js. Maybe now there are other, more robust options?
- Try hosting the AR game somewhere other than on LibGuides. (Because having access to server-side scripting — which LibGuides does not offer — would allow us to capture more interesting analytics.)
- Finish a paper that Prof. Carrie Jedlicka and I are writing on this.
- Maybe try to get a poster accepted at a conference?