Category Archives: vue

Further into Quasar

In my last post on Quasar, I was just getting started with the framework, basically taking components from the docs and trying them out for myself. Now I’m getting a bit further into it: I’m getting different components wired up to interact with each other. This is, of course, what Vue excels at, so I’m […]

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Recently, I wanted to build a nice table for the web, with things like toggles, column sorting, pagination and so on. I know better than to try coding this from scratch, and that instead I should use a component library to make things easier. My initial instinct was to turn to Bootstrap, which is a […]

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DX and vue in libguides

While I was very optimistic about Vue Single File Components (SFCs) a few posts ago, I’ve been having some trouble implementing them in LibGuides. While you can upload whatever JavaScript you want to a LibGuides group (as “Customization Files”), I’m beginning to realize that the LibGuides interface really wasn’t meant to accommodate a SFC workflow. […]

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Pushing forward; pushing back

Lately, I’ve been trying to push forward with best practices for our library webpage. This has meant moving toward Vue and moving away from jQuery. The result is a more modern site. While a lot of the changes that I’ve made recently have been invisible to the end user, there has been a lot of […]

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In praise of single file components

One of the recommended ways to organize Vue code is to use Single File Components, and I have to say, they are wonderful. Instead of the traditional separation of concerns into HTML, CSS and JS, Single File Components allow you to separate your project into chunks that are intuitive to you. You get to decide […]

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Vue 3

I had been meaning to upgrade our library website to Vue 3 for a while now. We had been on Vue 2 for some time. But there was a hard deadline for switching over, because Vue 2 reaches end-of-life at the end of 2023. Out of prudence I didn’t want to push up too close […]

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CUNY IT Conference

On Friday, I’ll be presenting at the CUNY IT Conference on our library’s efforts to apply some features of Vue.js to our library webpage. It’s a one-hour session, which is really a lot of Vue (maybe too much?) for one sitting, but I’ll do my best. It’s interesting that there’s a lot to say about […]

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In which we puzzle over what is a “framework”

As I move more of our website’s code to the idiom of Vue.js, I wonder how to best explain this to my colleagues. Vue is commonly referred to as a “framework”, but this is not super enlightening to a non-programmer. It can be a bit hard to explain what Vue does, because it deals in […]

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Jquery, bootstrap, vue

When I started at Kingsborough, I built a library homepage that I’ll call “the jquery site”. I was a bit behind the curve on web technologies, and the site very quickly seemed rather dated. The jquery site lingered on far too long, becoming increasingly problematic with each revision, until it was clear that it should […]

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I was doing two things earlier this week: sitting in on a webinar about a neat library tool called Unsub; and thinking about digging further into Vue, the JavaScript framework. Anyhow, I was so impressed with the UI of Unsub that I looked up what I could about their tech stack (it’s on GitHub), and […]

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