Category Archives: vim

Neovim as a word processor

I recently posted about using Lua to configure my neovim setup. This has been altogether a big improvement. One thing that is easier is having separate .lua configuration files for each file type that I work with in vim. At first, this seemed useful for minor quality-of-life improvements, like setting differing default tabs for Python […]

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I’ve liked the idea of the Lua programming language since reading about it in Coding Places: Software Practice in a South American City. After reading that book, I put some effort into learning a bit of Lua syntax, but never really followed up beyond that. It seemed potentially useful but I didn’t really have the […]

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I am a long-time user of vim. Vim is a terminal-based text editor. It can be expanded through all sorts of plug-ins to give you something similar to an IDE. I have tried other coding environments: fancy IDEs, with lots of features. Even when I apply the vim key-bindings in those environments, I still don’t […]

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