Category Archives: ubuntu

Moving on from ubuntu

There are a lot of reasons that I really like Ubuntu. Foremost among them is the availability of help: there are a wealth of posts on Ask Ubuntu and elsewhere that are often super useful when trying to solve almost any Ubuntu problem. It’s great. It’s especially good for someone new to Linux. But I […]

Also posted in debian, linux | Comments closed

Ubuntu on an 2012 macbook pro

The cheap Chromebook I bought last year is starting to flake out. The keyboard is becoming less responsive; the left shift key has become particularly troublesome. I’m realizing that you can only expect so much mileage out of a $300 machine. It has been my daily driver for a year, so I think it has […]

Also posted in chromebook, linux, macbook | Comments closed


It’s now been a couple of years that I’ve been running Ubuntu as my daily driver. I had been on MacOS, but my MacBook was very old, and I was swayed by Dell’s XPS series laptops that came with Ubuntu preinstalled. As a newcomer to Linux, not having to install the OS myself was a […]

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