Category Archives: chromebook

Firefox on a Chromebook

Google has caused a controversy these past few days by disabling uBlock Origin in the latest version of Chrome. uBlock is the most widely regarded browser-based ad blocker. “Disabling” may be the wrong word, as uBlock seems to still be partially functional. I won’t go into the details, because there’s plenty of more knowledgeable discussion […]

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Ubuntu on an 2012 macbook pro

The cheap Chromebook I bought last year is starting to flake out. The keyboard is becoming less responsive; the left shift key has become particularly troublesome. I’m realizing that you can only expect so much mileage out of a $300 machine. It has been my daily driver for a year, so I think it has […]

Also posted in linux, macbook, ubuntu | Comments closed

Debian on a Chromebook

I recently (and very unexpectedly) bought a Lenovo Chromebook. The reason was that my Dell XPS laptop fell apart rather spectacularly and I was without a computer. The Chromebook is a cheapish stop-gap until I can afford to buy another “real” laptop. To be clear, I wasn’t too excited about the prospect of using a […]

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