Category Archives: rss


I’ve created a new linkblog on Mastodon, which is to be a feed of interesting things I’ve found on the web. There’s not much there yet, as I only started it, uh, an hour ago; so please be patient. But the point is that I come across tons of interesting stuff in my RSS reader, […]

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Following academic journals with rss

RSS is really the perfect way to follow an academic journal. Even better, it’s a really good way to follow lots of academic journals. This is particularly true because journals are generally low volume and sometimes irregularly published. They’re also something you only want to dip into when you have a free hour or two […]

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Posts by email

You can now sign up to receive posts from this blog via email, over on the About page. Maybe this will make reading this blog a bit easier for some people. I recognize that (unfortunately) not everyone uses RSS, and no one “checks websites”, like they did in the late 90s. So maybe posts-by-email may […]

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Keeping librarians up to date on electronic products

Teaching librarians usually want to stay atop the latest changes to their institution’s electronic products to be able to teach research skills effectively. As an instructor, it’s important to be comfortable using the latest features of the various services. However, keeping up can be a challenge. Vendors regularly roll out updates, but these aren’t always […]

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