Category Archives: meta


An important part of keeping this blog sustainable has been keeping the comments only open to signed-in Commons members. I undoubtedly make some dumb posts, but I don’t need strangers telling me that. Reading the comments — especially critical comments — requires labor that I don’t have the bandwidth for, so I keep the comments […]

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Guest blogging

For the next little while, I’m going to be guest blogging over at Choice’s new LibTech Insights blog. My first post is up already! It’s about Mastodon. My intention is to keep Library Technology at Kingsborough going as well. Wish me luck!

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Top 10

I just noticed that in the WordPress classic editor, you can list your blog’s top 10 most used tags! If this were 2005, I would make a word cloud! For your amusement or interest, here they are for this blog: learning journal recommender LibGuides Python JavaScript Twitter Google Mastodon API homepage

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Seven years

As of today, this blog has been running for seven years. While there have been some hard times, there have also been some optimistic moments where I’ve been really glad to do this kind of work. And while I’ve posted some charts over the years, I’m proud to say that I have yet to post […]

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