Recently, I wanted to build a nice table for the web, with things like toggles, column sorting, pagination and so on. I know better than to try coding this from scratch, and that instead I should use a component library to make things easier. My initial instinct was to turn to Bootstrap, which is a […]
Category Archives: bootstrap
Migrating to bootstrap 5
LibGuides seems to have finally begun its long journey to Bootstrap 5. In the abstract, this is really good news. New features! Modern tools! No longer having to worry about Bootstrap 3 being EOL! All good stuff. But in practice, I think this might ultimately mean a lot of work for our library. Our library […]
A new library webpage for the new semester
This week our new library webpage went live, just in time for the fall semester. You can see it at It represents about 8 months of work: 4 months of technical work, followed by 4 months of organizational work. I particularly enjoyed the technical bits, while the subsequent, unavoidable bureaucratic work was not as […]
Jquery, bootstrap, vue
When I started at Kingsborough, I built a library homepage that I’ll call “the jquery site”. I was a bit behind the curve on web technologies, and the site very quickly seemed rather dated. The jquery site lingered on far too long, becoming increasingly problematic with each revision, until it was clear that it should […]
Bootstrap and LibGuides
What is Bootstrap, and what can it do for my LibGuides? Bootstrap is the framework that underpins LibGuides, and you’ll find it gives you much more control over how your LibGuides work. Bootstrap provides a collection of CSS and JavaScript components that will help you build responsive web pages. Gaining an understanding of how Bootstrap […]