I was complaining about the Computers in Libraries magazine website recently, for pretty obvious reasons. I wanted to link to an article I wrote for the magazine from my faculty bio page, but I can’t in good faith send people to that website. I mean, it’s fine that the site is old; it’s actually kind of wonderful in a retro way. But I can’t present anything there as my professional work … I just can’t.
This has got me thinking about how online and professional communities age with the rest of us. Computers in Libraries has its own demographic, for better or worse. I suppose that my generation has Code4Lib, but we’re all getting older at Code4Lib too, and I wonder how long it will be before Code4Lib starts resembling the Computers in Libraries magazine webpage.
To be more positive and forward-looking about all of this: what’s next after Code4Lib? I want to see what that community is up to.