I’m very pleased to let you know about a project I’m releasing today, the Open Journal Matcher. It’s a resource for people looking to find a suitable journal for their work. Paste in a draft abstract and see the best matching open access journals! Open Journal Matcher uses a natural language processing library called spaCy […]
Category Archives: journal recommender
Unexpected funds
I recently found out that I got funding from Google for my journal recommender project. More than I expected, too. I had hoped to receive maybe $200 or $300 of Google Cloud Platform credits, but they gave me $5000 in credits, which was quite a surprise. This is good news for this project, because it […]
Recommending journals programmatically
I had been keeping this project under my hat, but I’ve proposed it as a conference talk now, so maybe it’s time to share. I’ve been building a journal recommender tool. It’s aimed at faculty, and is built on data from the Directory of Open Access Journals. The idea is that a faculty member could […]