Obligatory static site generator post

This past week, the CUNY Academic Commons — the home for this blog — was offline for a few days, as they were migrating to new hosting. Then, when it came back, you may have noticed that the theme for the blog was all wonky, and some of the functionality was not working.

Anyhow, this got me thinking that maybe I shouldn’t be relying on the Commons. WordPress has had a number of problems for quite a while now. While I enjoy being on a managed platform where, for the most part, I don’t really have to worry about things, I really chafe at the lack of customizability, too. It might be time to move on.

So over the weekend I did a test migration to Pelican, a static site generator in Python. The results were pretty good. I was able to customize (so satisfying!) a Pelican theme and import my WordPress archive. The Pelican blog is running on localhost here and it looks and works fine.

In the end, I do think Pelican is probably the better technology. I only hesitate to switch because I don’t want to break all of the inbound links.

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