
Recently, I wanted to build a nice table for the web, with things like toggles, column sorting, pagination and so on. I know better than to try coding this from scratch, and that instead I should use a component library to make things easier.

My initial instinct was to turn to Bootstrap, which is a CSS framework of long standing, and which has good support for tables. I’m pretty familiar with Bootstrap, and I was pretty sure I could combine it with Vue to do what I need. Of course, others have already thought of this, and produced a library called Bootstrap Vue.

But as usual, I am several steps behind on the latest JavaScript. Bootstrap Vue has already been abandoned because it does not support Bootstrap 5, which is the latest (and only active) version of Bootstrap. I went searching for alternatives. Reddit commenters were very keen on Quasar, which has a component library built specifically for Vue. The idea of bringing together pre-built components and a JS framework makes a lot of sense to me, and I was keen to give it a try.

I got rather fixated on this last night, and stayed up until 5am wiring up an example for my co-workers. It turned out pretty well! I can share a link later, once it’s a bit more polished. While there’s certainly a lot more to learn about Quasar, so far it has been able to do exactly what I need.

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